Thursday, June 01, 2006

Melancholy and the Infinite Weirdness

Well, not really infinite, but there's so much of it in Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu or "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" it becomes mind-numbing.

First of all to note is the "first" episode. What the staff did for this episode is what I can say "risky". I'ts good for people who have some background about the series but for people who are totally new, it could be bad. These people might not understand what's going on at all... a lot of "Huh?"s and "Wha???"s can dissuade potential followers of this series.

And then the episode order. Yes, the episode ordering...

It's totally messed-up. I mean... episode 2 is actually episode 1, episode 4 is actually episode 7 and so on... And I don't know where episode "1" falls in this lineup. This chaotic and confusing episode ordering made me make a guide n the episode listings which I will post if and when I can upload the text file.

Overall, the series is good because of the comedy especially those that revolve around Kyon's endless ranting.

Since there are a lot of blogs out there blogging about this series, I would not bother to do a by-episode blog. I don't do that stuff in the first place anyway. But too bad I can't post screenies...

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