Thursday, May 18, 2006


Congratulations on the First Filipinos to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! Kudos.

The only sad thing about this mountain climb is that it became a war between the networks. Anchan was right about the fact that it was kind of sad that it became 2 competing teams instead of one unified Filipino Expedition.

It just shows how we are so unwilling to unite even at the face of a common goal. Crab mentality, crab mentality...

Monday, May 15, 2006

Lapid for President

... of the Republic of Makati that is.

It's just a rumor at the moment but once it is confirmed, it could mean disaster if he actually gets elected as Mayor.

No english for Makati anymore? I hope not since a lot of embassies are situated in Ayala...


I'm having a problem logging in my Yahoo! Messenger. A moment ago, I was logged in but suddenly I was logged out. I tried logging in again but I can't get through and the message I get is "you have been logged out because you have signed in another computer or device".

I already changed my password to kick the intruder if it was the case but still the same thing happened. Now I'm pretty sure that this is a server-side problem. I'm probably still logged on the server.

I just hope they do something about this SOON.